Casino Wagering

Understanding the rules and regulations of a casino goes a long way to ensure that you will get your money out when you win. Land-based casinos offer many perks to encourage players to return to the casino from time to time these perks can include, complementary tickets to shows, free drinks, cash, VIP programs and other bonuses that encourage a player to stay at the casino and return in the future. On line casinos offer perks as well, these are mostly promotions and bonuses. Modest players and high-rollers (sometimes called whales) are all welcome.

Check your bonuses, rules and regulations

Most of the casinos offer welcome bonuses that varies from casino to casino, but what is common among all the casinos, you will find that some casino will tell you that the bonus money cannot be used on certain games, these are usually Blackjack, Craps and Roulette, and also when you accept the bonuses there are usually wagering requirements that need to be met. These rules came into effect when people started abusing the system, opening multiple accounts to get the bonuses; this caused a huge loss to the casinos. After all they need to make money as well. No one expects the casinos to offer such gaming and not make some money on the enterprise.

Casinos need to be fair to players as well as the casino

To safeguard from fraud and people who abuse the system, the casinos usually set a number of deposits before you are able to cash out. It varies from casino to casino but usually the number of times varies from eight to up to 37 times the bonus or the bonus plus the deposit. This prevents people signing on then cashing out their deposit and bonus without playing. To find out what the requirement are for each casino, its best to read all the rules and regulations. It’s always good to understand your situation before making that initial deposit and accepting that first bonus.

If you wish to avoid the wagering requirements (aka as Play-through requirements) you can reject the introduction bonus, this will give you control over cashing out when you want to. But that is a personal choice.

Your skills can make the difference

Many people wonder why they should bother taking advantage of the bonuses, it usually depends on how you play, if you play smart you can reach these requirements quite easily, and then you have the opportunity of cashing in your bonuses plus deposits and probably have had a lot of fun playing for free. You get to play in the comfort of your home, 24/7 which gives you grand opportunities to enjoy your games and win awesome money.

How to meet the requirements

Some casinos also have certain percentages assigned to different games, these percentages count towards helping the player meet their play-through requirements. Slots for example often have a 100% which mean each bet takes them closer to the target requirements. But other games may have a restricted amount towards the play-through requirements such as Poker for instance, the percentage could be a low as 40% which means for every $100 only $40 goes towards the requirements to be met, be sure to read the necessary requirement before you attempt to cash out your money.

And Remember playing should be lots of fun, and to make sure you come out a winner read the regulations.